Michelle Conklin Professional Photographer Studio Location
The studio is located in Maple Park on the corner of Route 38 and County Line Road in a brown brick building with a green roof and two tractors in front of the building. The building is next to the Casey's Gas Station.
1100 S County Line Road*
Maple Park, IL 60151
*I don't recommend using the address in your GPS because it leads you about a half a mile away from the building location.
My studio is on the lower level of the building. After you enter through the front doors, you can either go down the stairs to your left or take the elevator down to the lower level.
*Contact me for a mailing address if sending a payment.
Mail is not accepted at the studio address. Thank you!
Explore the Studio
The studio is designed to make you feel right at home and get to experience our high-quality products for yourself. It is one of my favorite places - get a feel for the space with the galleries below.