Being able to take senior photos for Marcus was very special for me. I’ve known Marcus for many years. Watching him grow from a boy into an amazing, intelligent, and kind young man has been a privilege that I don’t take for granted, and I was honored to be able to capture him as he graduates from Kaneland High School this fall.

His friendship with my son blossomed into a friendship of our family with his family, all of whom I adore. Our families have been through a lot of ups and downs making for an incredible roller coaster ride, worth riding.
Marcus was so much fun to work with and we picked a day in the fall when the leaves were popping with color. Winter is Marcus’s favorite season, so we definitely needed to include a snowy scene to include in his Senior Portrait Gallery.

We went to a variety of outdoor locations, featuring brightly colored leaves, nature scenes, and beautiful wooden backdrops.

I am certain you will achieve great things Marcus. I am excited to see you thrive as you close this chapter and head to University of Wisconsin LaCrosse!

Congratulations on your graduation and all that you have achieved already!
Feel free to share these images on social media and reach out with any inquiries.